Saturday, October 17, 2009

It Was A Wet, Soggy Vacation

It was a wet, soggy, misty, blustery, rainy vacation.  I know, I know, it was our fault for taking a vacation in Wisconsin in September.  What did we expect, right?  Well, the forcast the week before said it would be beautiful weather.  That was before it heard the Lindahl's were coming.   Then it turned into a generally yucky week.  Whoa.  50℉ feels REALLY cold when you've been used to 75-80℉ weather!  We did have one day that was not rainy and blowing and I think it even got up to 65℉!!

Thankfully we stayed in a very nice town home complete with fireplace and jacuzzi.  I can weather ANY storm with a jacuzzi, fireplace and latte!  Ooooohhhh yEEEEaaaahhh! (That's my Glenn Beck impersonation)

Oh, and steaks!  Huge. Steaks.  Steaks that Leland grilled to per.fec.tion.  Steaks that melted in your mouth.


Yeah, it wasn't so bad.

We sat around.

We drank lattes. (mostly Christy and I )

We watched movies.

We acted silly.

We read.

Grandma spent time with her newest grandbaby.

 We played nintendo games

It was nice to just sit around and do nothing.  That doesn't happen too often.  Oh, and I found out that we're pretty talented at doing nothing. 

Monday, October 5, 2009

If I end up dead, this post will be the reason. (Attn: district attorney)

Psst, this is Leland.  Just wondering how many other husbands out there are living in paralyzing fear of doing anything remotely cute that could end up on one of these posts and thereby vaporize any traces of studliness that may remain after 3 kids and 1 minivan.  Uh-oh, gotta run; here she comes . . . .

What Its All About

It was 8:30 in the evening.  We had just made a 10 hr. trip home from Wisconsin where we had spent the previous week in a much-needed vacation.  The kids had been put in bed, all except for Braden who was screaming his lungs out at having to be put in bed after being in a car seat ALL day.  I was trying to get things unpacked as we had Sunday Worship the next morning.  I felt VERY frazzled as I tried in vain to get Braden to settle down. 

Braden had just drifted off to sleep in my arms while I was sitting in the recliner when I heard a soft, "Mom, Mom."  I groaned inwardly as I debated what to do.  Do I try to talk to Breck from in here and risk waking Braden or do I try to sloowly get up and go into the room without waking him?  I finally decided on the latter and made it into Breck's room. 

"What do you need, honey?"  I was not prepared for his answer.  I was expecting, "I need a drink of water,"  "I want a story on,"  "I can't feel my fan" know, the usual stuff kids come up with right when they're supposed to be going to sleep.  

Instead, he looked at me and said, "I want to pray."

"Okay.  What do you want to pray about?"

"I want to ask Jesus to come into my heart."

"I thought you already asked Him to come into your heart."  He had prayed this prayer when he was three yr. old and he had always affirmed that Jesus had saved him then.

"I did.  But I'm not sure that I meant it and I just want to be sure."

Wow!  I helped him pray and rededicate his life to Jesus that night.  I also explained to him that its always okay to pray and make sure that our relationship with Jesus is in the right place.

Sometimes being a mom can be a tough job... no, not sometimes- most of the time.  You teach and train and discipline and nurture until you feel worn out emotionally.  Sometimes you wonder if its doing any good or if you're doing a good enough job.

Its moments like these that remind me what its all about.  Its about getting our kids to heaven.  Its about making a difference in their lives.  And its worth every emotionally-draining day.  Its worth every frazzled moment.  Its worth every moment that you have spent in your bed at night crying to God to help you know how to do this!  Its worth everything to be a mom. 

I know by the calendar its not Mother's Day, but then again, maybe it is. 

Happy Mother's Day, my friends.