Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Teaching Fonix

Am I the only one who thinks that our English language is reediculus in the way we spell words?  I am a firm believer in teaching reading phonetically, but people! why on earth do we have so many ways to spell out the sound "eee"?!!!  "e" or "ee" or "ea" or "y"  or "i" (am I missing any?)  But depending on where that "e" is in the word it might also say "eh" as in "shed", but then "ai" also makes that same sound too, as in "said"... so don't get confused here.

For instance, the letter "O" says Ah, as in "mop"....unless there is an "E" at the end, and then it says Oh, as in "mope".  But then there is "soap", which should be spelled "sope" and "moat", which should be spelled "mote".  And then there are words like "old", "sold", "host", "roll", "both",  etc., that are spelled that way for no apparent reason...just because someone decided they look better that way, I guess.

Then lets not forget that "th" sounds together if you are saying the word "the", but if you are saying the word "Thomas" YOU JUST SAY "T" BECAUSE THE "H" IS SILENT!!!!!  Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!!

There are also words like "sulk" that we really pronounce "solk".  And the word "cute" should really be spelled "qoot".  

*sob* *sob* *sob*

I mean, seriously, how am I supposed to teach a 6 yr. old all these stupid (yes, I did say stoopid) rules? 

Its no wonder our kids struggle with spelling.  Could we please just stick to one sound per letter?  It would make it so much eesier.  I'm all for a revolt.

If you need me, I'll be under my bed chewing my fingernails off.  I can only take so much of this!


Leah said...

Thanks for a good laugh! Sorry it is at your expense! :)

J.R. said...

Haha! So glad I have a mommy who loves to teach my little boy (: You are a true superwoman!

Peggy B. said...

Grin...... :)