Monday, October 5, 2009

If I end up dead, this post will be the reason. (Attn: district attorney)

Psst, this is Leland.  Just wondering how many other husbands out there are living in paralyzing fear of doing anything remotely cute that could end up on one of these posts and thereby vaporize any traces of studliness that may remain after 3 kids and 1 minivan.  Uh-oh, gotta run; here she comes . . . .


The Salisburys said...

I would imagine that you are so dead meat now:) Deepest Sympathy

Leah said...

Nathan doesn't ever read mine so I'm safe :)

Peggy B. said...
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Carrie said...

Since when do you do "cute" things?

Jerri Ann said...

Ok, Rowana would you like to scary your husband to death. Hi, my name is JerriAnn. I was Leland's supervisor at UBC when he was in seventh grade. I have a little dirt. lol